Bridget Irish
Born Saint Patrick's Day 1966
"St. Moritz" (excerpt) 2006 - Irish) : - - - : portrait by Carli Davidson : - - - : "St. Moritz" (excerpt) 2006 - Irish
* please note:
some of the artwork represented on this site involves nudity
- those pages are indicated with an asterisk: *
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Exhibition Resume
7 page PDF
Curriculum Vitae
7 page PDF
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published work l recordings l collections
Current and Upcoming Shows and Projects 2009:
* * * Friday, October 2, 2009 * * *
TWO SHOWS for Olympia's Fall ARTS WALK:
"It's the View"
a 4-channel video and mixed-media installation
"The Impracticality of Awareness"
a collaborative mixed-media installation
* * * Downtown Olympia Bench Project 2009 * * *
"Play the Match Game!"
Five local artists were selected this year and my contribution
is installed in front of the Bread Peddler @ 222 Capitol Way N
(between State Ave and Olympia Ave, across from the Olympia Community Center)
Sitting on the bench ("Match Game") I designed and decorated for the Olympia Bench Project 2009 (photo by Adam Shea)
and this is the design: 28 mixed-up pairs from a collection of photos taken around Olympia for the past 8 years... - Bridget Irish
Special Thanks to the PBIA, Olympic View Construction, and Chinook Graphics for their support and assistance!
Stills from "It's the View" (l-r: South, East, North) 2009 - Bridget Irish
"It's the View"
at the MIXX 96 Room, corner of Washington and State
This one-night Arts Walk show is comprised of four televisions
four DVD players, and a mixed-media centerpiece featuring hand-knit "trees"
and found beach objects from the artist's personal collection.
The TVs are situated in the room by each of the four cardinal directions
- North, South, East, West - with each video loop featuring a panoramic portrait
of Olympia at the compass point its monitor's placement represents.
Each of these short photo-mation/time-lapse pieces is comprised
of over a thousand photographs, shot hand-held, and edited in-camera.
This work is as much about the beauty of our area as it is about ways of seeing.
Still from "It's the View: North" 2009 - Bridget Irish
"The Impracticality of Awareness"
A joint exhibit with Jenny Macc at the Historic Capitol Theater
The idea for this collaborative installation
- to transform a space rather than present a museum of framed pieces -
came from a conversation between Jenny Macc,
curator for the Capitol Theater's mezzanine Art Gallery,
and local artist, Bridget Irish.
Jenny and Bridget sought to create a space where the work went beyond the frame
- not just the picture "frame" but the film "frame" - and into the room itself.
Thus, the use of yarn and felt are approached in the same manner as fine art
or hands-on film-making, highlighting the intrinsic qualities of the materials
with an intent to reveal and enhance their possibilities.
Through Jenny Macc's background with fabric design and Bridget's experience
as a filmmaker, these artists strive to present a textural installation
that will offer the viewer both a visual and tactile encounter with the work.
The color palette is stunning, rich in texture and visually continuous.
Each piece in the exhibit may stand on its own, yet threads of connectivity run throughout.
Most of the installation is temporary and will be on view only during Arts Walk,
thereby echoing notions of impermanence or transient states of awareness.
"Yarn Projections in Blue and Green" 2009 - Bridget Irish
* * * * * * * * * * *
previous shows and projects 2009:
*** Performance: HOT POTATO ***
@ Mommy, Mommy! literary event @ compactspace, Los Angeles
*** Multi-Media Performance: FROM THE COMPASS COMES A CIRCLE ***
also featuring Heather Hall and Carrie Keith
Premiered @ the Olympia Experimental Music Festival's Film Showcase
Capitol Theater, Olympia

*** Performances: THE FOX & THE FLESH plus HOT POTATO ***
@ Phyllis Stein Art, Los Angeles
*** Multi-Media Dance Performance: NIGHT ON DISCO MOUNTAIN ***
introducing the Animinions...
Fox #2: Shizuno Wynkoop, Polar Bear: April Schief, Owl: Heather Hall
Zebra: Ryan Converse, Giraffe: Shelby Turner, Brown Bear: Isaac Overcast,
Lion: Alex Dececco, Rabbit: Shelbi Chew, and Fox #1: Bridget Irish
Costumes by Anna Mink
Choreography by Irish, Wynkoop and Schief
Hand-made Stump and Creature Stage Props by Ryan Converse
Concept, Video Backdrop, and Hand-Knit Guts by Bridget Irish
Premiered @ I Love You-The Spring Collection, curated by Missus Adams
Capitol Theater, Olympia
*** Performance: HOT POTATO ***
12 Minutes Max @ On the Boards : Seattle
April 26th & 27th, 2009
previous shows and projects 2008:
You Have a Body: Fashion Variety Show
at the 25th Annual Olympia Film Festival
April 25th : Film + Performance : Seattle WA (venue tba)
part of the monthly FFFucken Series of film and music
curated by Eric Ostrowski
previous shows and projects 2007:
24th Annual Olympia Film Festival: Blatant Localism - Capitol Theater, Olympia WA
The Black Front Gallery, Olympia WA (video installation)
Sex Workers Art Show National Tour {Portland OR to Boston MA}
"Hot Potato" SWAS Tour 2007 (photo by Missus Adams)
previous shows and projects 2006:
23rd Annual Film Festival: Eye & Ear Tsunami (film+sound show) - Olympia Community Center
Radar Reading Series hosted by Michelle Tea - San Francisco Public Library (main branch)
pre-HAGG burlesque show: Les Royals Erotiques - Jake's, Olympia WA
Homoagogo Fashion Show: A Space Gaydyssey to Uranus and Beyond! (model for Missus Adams)
12th Annual Festival of Experimental Musics: ThunderEgg program (curated by Eric Ostrowski) - Yes Yes, Olympia WA
6th Annual X-Fest SLC (Sarah Lawrence College) - Bronxeville NY (guest filmmaker/performer)
previous shows and projects 2005:
November 11th -- ROCKRGRL MUSIC CONFERENCE (Seattle WA) -- with SECS!
performed new Super 8 film + live sound piece: S8K40@5&18

participated in an afternoon panel with fellow Ladyfest Olympia 2000 organizers - Allison Wolfe & Sarah Dougher
and presented a selection of my new & older short films & videos later that night

JULY 16th -- LOCUST FUNDRAISER -- LoFi, Seattle WA
on-line project documentation
solo public art exhibition: TOLLBOOTH JUNCTION 11TH & BROADWAY
December 12, 2004 - January 29, 2005 @ ArtRod's Tollbooth Gallery
snapshot: vendor-WTC Subway Station 2004 (inkjet print 42"x54")
ArtRod Press Release
installation mentioned in Tacoma News Tribune article:
Art in Tacomas present links past with uncertain future
by Jen Graves
< subway rides l-r: Chicago / Boston / New York City >
published work:
FREE TO FIGHT! an interactive self defense project
(various contributors / book & vinyl lp) - Candy Ass Records 1994-95, Portland OR / dist. by Revolver USA
Chelsea Hotel: A Magazine for the Arts, Volume 6, 2.Hj.94
Eggingen 1994 (Freiburg Germany) ISSN 0940-2306 / ISBN 3-86142-029-5
Good to Go: Short Stories West Coast Style (edited by Deran Ludd, Alice Wheeler & Jim Jones)
Zero Hour 1994 (Seattle WA) ISBN 0-9638594-0-4
self-published zerox books:
Boneless: notes for a secret meating (2002) : cut-outs from the Sunday newspaper collaged into single-panel narratives (16 pages, color)
Motel (1992) : excerpts from a Super 8 motel staff logbook (10 pages, b&w, text only)
My Harlequin Romance (1991) : an anecdotal index of encounters & ex-lovers (100 pages, b&w, illustrated)
"ENLIGHTENMENT" (10" compilation vinyl lp) - Soledad 1997, Olympia WA
featuring Thrones, Spaceboy, Lice, and Toadliquor
{ with LICE: lead vocals & lyrics }
C4AM95 III (aka The Champs / 2-record vinyl lp) - Frenetic Records 1997, San Francisco CA
{ vocals on song: On Seas of Sorrow Sail Death's Ships }
THE SLATTERNLIES (cassette) - Bumpidee 1995, Olympia WA
{ lead vocals & lyrics }
Women in the Director's Chair - Chicago, IL - - { video: Nude Ascending Staircase }
Experience Music Project Archives - Seattle, WA - - { performance documentation: Period Piece/Blow }
The Lamm Family - - { found object assemblage: In My Father's Shoes }
The Aguirre Family - - { drawing }
Bridget Irish
P.O. Box 2372
Olympia WA 98507
United States
bridget_irish (at)
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Last Update : Sept 2009